That by two immutable things, (Gods Oath & His Promise) its IMPOSSIBLE for God to Lie."
Hebrews 6:18

Autographed Copy of
30 Second Solution
In a very short time, the world has changed exponentially. We are more connected than ever before, but many of us are so “plugged in” that we are disconnected from the moment at hand. We have access to more information than we can process, and we have unlimited choices that delude us, distract us, and derail us from our goals. In the 30-Second Solution, one of the nation’s most respected life coaches, Ron Kardashian, shares his proven techniques that have helped thousands of people change their lives with tremendous results.
TD Jakes
“Ron Kardashian’s 30 Second Solution introduces readers to new breakthrough information for transforming old patterns into dramatic turnarounds for those who want to derive purpose and more satisfaction from life.”

Dr. Daniel Amen
“If you put into practice Ron Kardashian’s 30-Second Solution it will help you develop new brain pathways that will enhance impulse control, focus, and forethought…you can literally enhance the actual physical functioning of the brain, including the prefrontal cortex (the CEO of the brain). By reading Coach Ron’s book carefully and practicing the exercise in it, I am confident you will enhance your prefrontal cortex and develop better patterns which will enhance your life.”

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A new STANDARD of excellence
A membership for:
Business Leaders -Church Leaders.
Weekly and Monthly Prophetic insights and impartation.

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Sexual Integrity Group
SI 126
Highly confidential. All names are hidden.
"I lived in shame for years. My marriage was almost destroyed, but I got the help and regained my soul, my manhood and my marriage."
Coach Ron, Founder of SI-126

Our Vision
Established in 2002, KMC operates as an official 501(c) Non-Profit Organization and has reached over 50 nations.
We exist to serve churches and their leadership, organizations and individuals by empowering them to connect with their God-given potential and purpose.
We create educational forums and tools to empower them to increase their economic, political, social, educational, gender, and the spiritual strength of their lives.

Our Cause
We exist to empower human life. Healthy lives, healthy and productive leaders, ministry organizations, and companies. When the leaders build health { Mentally, Physically, Financially, Emotionally or Spiritually}, they (we) in turn build healthy communities, healthy marriages, relationships, companies and human lives.

Coach Ron: ronkardashian.com
Ministerial: kcm10x.org
Technology Company: thehigher.net
Executive Coaching: elitelevelcoach.com
Trusted Advisors and Counsel: leconfidant.com
For questions, bookings, order information, or bulk purchase orders, Please email our offices at info@kcm10x.org.
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