Our vision
Established in 2002, KCM operates as a 501(c) non-profit organization and has reached over 50 nations. We exist to serve the churches, their leadership, organizations and individuals by empowering them to connect with their God-given potential and purpose. We create educational forums and tools to empower them to increase their economic, political, social, educational, gender, and spiritual strength in their lives.

Speaking Nation-wide
- Consult and Coach Leaders. Bringing them the medicinal, business, developmental tools and insights to accelerate and serve their vision with an understanding in the sanctity of trusted counsel.
- Marketplace Ministry-Marketplace Marriages. Equipping leaders 5 fold with enhanced business acumen and mental fortitude to run the vision placed in their hearts. “A Pastor’s Coach”(TM).
- Help cure the onslaught of global obesity and the health risks in leaders by treating the diseases associated with it (currently plaguing 1 in 5 within the US).
- Partnering with other organizations to assist in 3rd world nations. We have a passion in speaking about human trafficking issues, recovery, and battered women shelters.
- Intertwine spiritual validity and truths to sustain REAL life and leadership transformation.
- {In development} The “Soteria” Institute (TM). A gathering of professionals interested in a career as a Biblically Principled Life Coach, Behavioral Specialist or health care provider. Enhancing one’s degree(s), accreditations or lives through our elite certification program.
- Positioned and geared as a religious educational corporation and governing church body. Equipping corporations, institutions, schools, churches, and individuals on the “How To’s” of optimizing human performance (health, vision, goals) with spiritual truths rooted and grounded in the Word of God.

Our cause
We exist to empower human life. Healthy lives, healthy and productive leaders, ministry organizations, and companies. When leaders build health (mentally, physically, financially, emotionally or spiritually), they (we) in turn build healthy communities, healthy marriages, relationships, companies and human lives.

Empowerment Definition

Ron Kardashian
All men and women desire to be on point, in season and relevant in their dealing with others. In and out of the business world if you have the ability to meet someone else’s need by delivering a word that is timely for them, you will undoubtedly find success. A relevant word can bridge divides, cross borders, and heal the sick. As the Latin writer and Philosopher Publilius Syrus so aptly wrote in the 1st Century BC, “A gift in season is a double favor to the needy”. Plainly put, feeding a man actual food when he is hungry means more to that man than anything else.
Empowerment Speaker, Published Author, Leadership Coach, Fitness Expert, Ordained & Licensed Minister & Life Solutionist Ron Kardashian has made it his mission in life to deliver a relevant message to everyone he reaches out too. His ability to listen to the needs of others, backed both by his in depth knowledge of human psychology and physiology has given him the ability to easily equip others quickly with the specific tools necessary needed in order to live maximum impacting, fruitful, and on point lives. According to Ron, there is no challenge economically, physically, emotionally, or spiritually that is too big that a simple and straightforward solution can’t solve. Helping others locate the root of a problem, determine the correct solution, and define a clearly executable plan for individual success is Ron’s #1 job. Although Ron’s career began as Certified NSCA strength and conditioning coach in the fitness industry, Ron soon discovered that physical fitness alone wasn’t the only area people were asking him for help with. In order to truly help others in a complete and whole way, Ron began an Executive Coaching Company called Le Confidant, that he still maintains to this day simultaneously while graduating from Bible College.
Now, in his over 14,000 hours of whole life and wellness coaching his “in season” solutions have benefited countless individuals. He has been empowering top executives, diplomatic leaders, ministers, and professionals with the tools paramount for increased business and personal breakthroughs since the early 90’s, long before “Life Coaching” became mainstream.
Council Chairman at Global Development Partners Ltd., John Anderson says this about Ron: “Ron Kardashian is a brilliant motivator, speaker, coach and CEO. Leaders from all disciplines find the confidence and courage to make bold decisions and grow in their influence from a 1-to-1 coaching session with Ron.”
Entire leadership teams come away inspired from Ron’s electrifying presentations, and his ability to chart new courses of action. Through Ron’s innumerable hours of coaching individuals and by way of his one-on-one counseling as a successful advisor and consultant, Ron’s desire for speaking specifically to the needs of people grew. He knew that the tools that he had learned to apply in order to help others had to be shared and could not be limited only to the weight-room or to the boardroom. Together he and his wife Tia started a biblically-based non-profit organization in 2002 and have reached over 50 nations desiring to help reach more. Through this burning desire to meet the needs of others and in an effort to broaden his platform for message delivery, his two industry acclaimed books, Ron Kardashian’s 30 Second Solution: Transform your body, business, relationships and life in just seconds at a time, and Getting in Shape God’s Way: 4 Keys to Making Any Diet or Fitness Program Work, were written. These books, now readily available, and easily understandable, exemplify Ron’s overwhelming desire to teach and deliver a clear simple message on how any negative or limiting instance in one’s life can be reworked, revamped, and in most cases overwritten.
Time Magazine’s most influential leader of the year and New York Times Bestselling Author, Bishop T.D. Jakes says: “Ron Kardashian’s 30-Second Solution introduces…new breakthrough information for transforming old patterns into dramatic turnarounds for those who want to derive purpose and more satisfaction from life.””
Senior Pastor, Hoa Tong says: “Ron Kardashian is an enthusiastic visionary, business leader, author, minister, motivational speaker, family man, and all around hard working person of integrity and excellence. His word is his bond and Ron has kept all his commitments to me in both ministry and business endeavors. As long as I’ve known him, his true gift and passion is to empower others to succeed in life and become the best they can be.”
Not many biographies about one man can read: Executive Coach, Fitness Expert, Total Life Solutionist, Acclaimed Author, and Humanitarian. However in July of 2013, through Ron’s continuous efforts at benefiting mankind by providing in season and on time solutions Ron became a globally recognized humanitarian through being awarded the “Ambassador of Peace” with the Golden Rule Award of the United Nations in New York and the African Union. (While not affiliated with this organization, was deeply honored to be gifted with such a prestigious honor and award.) About this award and the progressions of his career, Ron says:
“I am so honored to receive the award. My passion is to move organizations from good to great , while inspiring the people who run them and their leadership teams to achieve higher than they have ever imagined. We have strong business secrets, solutions, & encouragement for this generation of leaders and it all starts with treating people with value, respect and honor.”
In spite of his various awards, his dynamic and motivational public speaking, Ron would like this bio to read mostly about his heart to help others. Ron was not given a perfectly dealt life and his career has been birthed out of challenge, trial and tribulation. Many of the same painful circumstances that plague you and I today, he himself has had to overcome. As a sickly child, the odds were against him as well. As a child he was very ill and to the point of death. All before the age of 21, he is very candid how drug and alcohol abuse more than once almost took his life.
“In my youth I abused my body tremendously, and did not make very good decisions. I feel like I have not only been given a second chance at life – but hundreds. I understand people who have suffered from any kind of addiction. If it’s not an addiction of illegal or over the counter drugs, it’s food or thoughts… We must focus at not only building our companies and visions, but becoming better people. I encourage others, as myself, to fill the highest expression of oneself and be the best You, You can possibly be. This is why we started this organization- it’s our vocation. The key is to stay raw and honest with yourself. Recognize you’re growing and will never be perfect, none of us will be, and to be ok with that. The key is to pursue and train yourself in the areas where you want to grow… believe in the best in you and in others and they will grow. I completely believe in, ‘What you starve will die and what you feed will live.’ I am a living testimony of this principle and most certainly of the grace and love of God.”
It is through the overcoming of these challenges, personally, that he has been given the ability to naturally and effectively help others. Ron’s desire to be “on point” and relevant for life has made him a perpetual student of the Divine, a longing to be devoted husband to his beautiful wife, a dedicated father to his children, and a man who can only speak in season the words that people need to hear, by first listening himself.
Tia Kardashian
A Woman Against All Odds
Rarely is it possible for women to overcome these life altering and traumatic events. As a matter of fact, odds are that women who come from homes of domestic violence will struggle their entire lives with unhappy relationships, unfulfilled dreams, and many unfortunate issues due to anger and the inability to forgive.
Tia Kardashian was once one of these women. Raised in an abusive and violent home, her father abused her growing up and attempted murder on her and her mother multiple times. Because of her mother’s inability to handle the abuse, and based on her decision to keep silent about it, her mother turned to heavy drug use and partying as an escape. This left Tia at the tender age of 7 being forced into the role of an adult to help take care of her little sister. As in most turbulent and unsettled homes, a young Tia found herself on unstable and shaky ground. Having moved many times as a child, Tia had enough at the age of 16 and began fighting the fight for emancipation from her mother. Backed by the conviction that she would not end up as “just another statistic”, Tia found the courage within to enroll herself in school and through her faith and consistent persistence over time she learned how to beat those stats by walking completely in forgiveness over the way that she was raised.
Today, in addition to being a beloved wife to Mr. Kardashian, Tia is a woman faith who has over 10000 hours of studying medical homeopathic methods that helped her survive multi deaths all related from illness induced by trauma. Now as nurturing mother of two beautiful children she desires mostly to share with others how she was able to break free from the cycle of abusive relationships and begin walking through faith in a forgiving, loving and healed mannor. Tia is currently in the process of authoring her first set of books, and speaks on a plethora of engrossing topics as:
- Yes, there is life after a trauma!
- Be the voice of Courage to this generation;
- Caring for your children, the righteous way;
- How to break free from generational divorces;
- How to raise children differently than you were raised;
- Successful parenting after growing up without parents;
- Detoxing from your past, and;
- Understanding that women can run companies too!
Tia is undoubtedly the successful woman alongside her husband within their ministry and his business endeavors, as well as being able to leave Ron positively speechless on many occasions through her kindness, caregiving, and encouraging ways! Ron says this about Tia:
“She has changed my life and taught me what the definition of being unconditional truly means…. I never knew how to love until I meet this amazing human being. Now I get to spend the rest of my life getting to know everything about her!”
Tia is not shy to give credit in her life-changing process to where she believes credit is due and recognizes God as the center of her transformation:
“To not give God the glory for all of this would be a big mistake on my part. There were nights a tangible presence came alongside me and I knew everything was going to be alright.”
Upon her decision to go to school and pursue higher education, she, through the grace of God, was able to come full circle and begin devoting her life to taking care of others. She is an educated caregiver and has even had the opportunity to train autistic children with her career in her early years. In addition to taking care of her children and her husband, Tia also enjoys taking care of her mother in the “sunset” of her life. Tia has absolutely beat the odds that were so heavily thrown against her and desires to share with every woman that she meets how they too can beat the odds.
Tia has had to learn how to overcome fatigue, depression and life threatening illnesses. She believes every woman is a unique and a wonderful creation that should be celebrated. She applies her husband Ron’s principles for success as found in his books – 30 Second Solution and Getting in Shape God’s Way: 4 Keys to Making Any Diet or Fitness Program Work and could not be a more prouder wife. She is a leader among leaders of women, and has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that anything is possible if you just DON’T QUIT and definitely DON’T KEEP QUIET!